Benim Hocam Yayınları 2018 Dgs Tamamı Çözümlü 6 Altın Deneme PDF'de kitap

Benim Hocam Yayınları 2018 Dgs Tamamı Çözümlü 6 Altın Deneme PDF tam sürüm kitap

Benim Hocam Yayınları 2018 Dgs Tamamı Çözümlü 6 Altın Deneme kitap PDF, Mobi tam sürüm

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  • Fiyat: 24,50 TL

Kitap eleştirileri

Benim Hocam Yayınları 2018 Dgs Tamamı Çözümlü 6 Altın Deneme


Book #17 of 2011 Boderline 3 stars...I really enjoyed the two "Fast Track" books of Erin McCarthy's that I read, so I was hoping to really enjoy this one as well. Unfortunately, it fell a little flat for me. Mainly, my issues revolve around the whole "Sin of Lust" issue. First of all, the "Demons" didn't seem all that evil. And Damien, as a "Demon Servant" was supposed to inspire lust. Okay... but what about that is particularly evil? It just didn't compute for me. There was a large part of the book taken up by Marie's (Damien's late wife) letters to a friend in France in the 1700s while she lived in a plantation in New Orleans. One, these passages, while interesting, made the story-telling a little choppy in my opinion. But more frustrating to me was her... torment over the fact that she liked having "marital relations" with her husband. Yeah, I get that she lived in a time when maybe sex, even between a husband and wife, was "sinful", but it just doesn't compute for me. Plus, for all of what I think the book maybe wanted to say about the fine line between lust and love, I couldn't wrap my head fully around how sex between a husband and wife was an example of the Evil of Damien's servitude. I didn't hate either Damien or Marley, but I wasn't in love with them either. I think the book was tolerable, not terrible, but not excellent either.

2023-01-22 20:05


after reading "the time of our singing", i was really excited to get my hands on another book by richard powers - and i was really disappointed. being familiar with oliver sacks, a lot of what powers writes, i had just heard already. and while such information is fascinating the first time, well, it really is not when someone who is not a brain specialist (but an author) tells it again. i am sure i would have enjoyed the book much more, had i never heard of oliver sacks before. besides that, i found the plot just..... pointless. it's been a while that i read it, but i remember a very strong and distinct feeling of disappointment ("that was it??!!") when i finished the book. and to be honest, i dont remember much else.

2023-01-11 06:00

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