Editör 2. Sınıf Butik İngilizce Konu PDF'de kitap

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Editör 2. Sınıf Butik İngilizce Konu kitap PDF, Mobi tam sürüm

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Editör 2. Sınıf Butik İngilizce Konu


Actual rating: 3.5 stars. I actually liked this more than I thought I would. Sure, it includes all the paranormal romance tropes done in the usual ways, it lags in the middle, and it has a few annoying bits (for example, halfway through the book, I swore that if Tempest described her board-short-wearing surfer dad ONE MORE TIME as a surprisingly young-looking guy who dresses like her friends instead of a middle-aged dude, I was going to rip the book apart), but it's competently written and has an appealing protagonist with an actual hard choice to make. Okay, sure, she's a little typical of her genre, too, but she actually saves herself from being killed ON HER OWN, without using special powers, AND she also saves her (ridiculous, cliched) One True Love, Kai. (If you're reading this review and are mad because I just spoiled you about who she's going to end up with, I have this question for you: Have you ever read a paranormal romance before?) In fact, Tempest was just awesome enough that I even forgave her for being named Tempest. I even forgave her for being named Tempest in a book where it turns out she can control storms and is the subject of a prophecy that includes the words "Tempest rising". That's a big deal, folks.

2020-08-16 05:40

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