Rüzgarın Gölgesi - Carlos Ruiz Zafon PDF'de kitap

Rüzgarın Gölgesi - Carlos Ruiz Zafon PDF tam sürüm kitap

Rüzgarın Gölgesi - Carlos Ruiz Zafon Yayın dünyasında bir fenomen. ” Elevated railway Paris “Dumas Kulübü kadar çekici, The Mystery of tha Haunted Crypt gibi değişken ve Gülün Adı kadar karmaşık kurgusu muhteşem tasarlanmış. Yüzde yüz okunması gereken bir roman. ” La Razon “Mizah unsurları da taşıyan tarihi bir roman, ama. her şeyden önce trajik bir aşkın öyküsü. kalbin gizemini ve kitapların büyüsünü eşsiz bir biçimde dile getirirken, relative sayfasına dek gerilimi de aynı tempoda tutuyor. ” La Vanguardia.

Rüzgarın Gölgesi - Carlos Ruiz Zafon kitap PDF, Mobi tam sürüm

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  • boyutlar: Normal Boy
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  • Fiyat: 33,00 TL

Kitap eleştirileri

Rüzgarın Gölgesi - Carlos Ruiz Zafon


This book brings back General Balantyne, one of my favorite supporting characters, and puts him into a more central role. The plot is good, and there are fair clues throughout the book. For me, the characters are of as much interest as the plot, and this book brings out the warmth and compassion in Thomas and Charlotte in a new way. I enjoyed getting lost in this story set in Victorian England, even as I see that some of the issues they faced are still with us today. That gives me comfort somehow.

2023-07-17 16:18


Frost is an eerily written story that will have you questioning what you believe even after the story is over. Part romance, part struggle, part haunting, part friendship, part fun, and part crazy, Frost will keep you hanging on to every page making you wish you'd looked into your closet before you started. Frost starts off with the beginning of Leena's senior year at Barcroft Academy. Having an "in" with the Dean Leena and her friends are granted an adorable Victorian style house dorm in which Leena feels drawn to. Unfortunately Leena get an unexpected roommate, Celeste Lazar, and the only benefit is that she has an attractive, caring brother named David. The more Leena connects to the Frost house, the more strange things start happening. As Leena and her roommate Celeste start spiraling downward, they hurry to figure out the causes before it's too late. I love eerie, creepy stories. I'm not sure why because I hate scary movies hah! But, reading a thriller makes me turn the pages even quicker, I just love that feeling of suspense and Frost has that. Even after the book is over, you're still like 'Wait a second? Is that house.....' and that is a really interesting way to end a book! And as the description says 'Supernatural or Psychological?'... I'm totally going with Supernatural. But, don't let me sway you. Read it and decide for yourself...and I dare you to read it at night. I did... and I'm fine! ;) I really liked Leena's character. Yes, I'm fully aware that she kind of has a downward spiral throughout the story, but that being said I think she is such a strong character. Leena has already dealt with so much in her past and she completely depends on herself (among other things). She has best friends, good grades, and a sexy love interest that keep her grounded. Plus she's blonde with glasses which totally reminds me of myself at the moment (since I'm not aloud to wear my contacts right now). Leena is also "Miss Fix-it" which is a strong, unique quality to have in a girl. I mentioned a certain sexy love interest which would be... David. With his striking blue eyes, and his protective, caring manners you can't help but love him. I also loved the note in which this romance ends on. Because, all things are not fairytales and butterflies. Strong relationships need to be worked on and I loved how Marianna Baer did that with David and Leena. Overall fantastic book. I really enjoyed it. Eerie, romantic, and full of surprises. Want chills?

2020-08-14 08:04

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