
Robert Miles Miles itibaren Hivesville QLD 4612, Avustralya itibaren Hivesville QLD 4612, Avustralya

Okuyucu Robert Miles Miles itibaren Hivesville QLD 4612, Avustralya

Robert Miles Miles itibaren Hivesville QLD 4612, Avustralya


Once you get past the crudeness, it is actually pretty refreshing to know that even hollywood women get fat and have stretch marks and are uncomfortable and all the other stuff that the magazines edit and airbrush out of the stories and pictures. I read this thinking,"Ha I didn't gain as much weight at her!". Yep I'm that bad.


It isn't often that I get to settle down and curl up with a book that takes me back in time, but not too far, just far enough to remember the good-old days with a smile. In this outstanding book by author, John R. Karp, we are taken to the summer of 1946 in the life of the Kilroy family. Mom, dad, sister and brother, this family brought to memory many similar days that I have known in the past, and treasure in my heart even now. We start out in this story becoming familiar with the different personalities of our family. Jackie, our main character, a young boy who is experiencing the joy of his youth, mom, ever ready to make peace and the glue that holds the family together, (sound familiar), Dad, hard working and a bit bull-headed, but a good provider, husband, and father, and sister, Lucille, a young lady definitely not wanting to be bothered by her silly little brother, or his friends. Add into the mix Jackie's friend, Kuter and you have the perfect group for one wild week at Cranberry Pond. What is Cranberry Pond? A place this family goes to every year to enjoy a week of boating, swimming and relaxing by a pond in a cozy cabin. I remember going to one similar during my own childhood and I loved the way the author brought this place to life, right down to the owner, Moody. A man who had quite a past and who shared many of his stories with Jackie and Kuter, and you the reader. Interesting man and a plus to the storyline. We also meet Uncle Buster and Aunt Gert, who come to spend a few days with Jackie and his family. Talk about adding color to the read, this couple will have you giggling all over the pages with their antics, personalities, and behavior. Throw in Kuter being trapped in a snapping turtle den, a deputy shooting the Sheriff's big toe, and Uncle Buster and Aunt Gert running around in wooden shoes and you get the picture of this wild weekend. Of course before you even take that ride you are given the treat of meeting some of Jackie's, to say the least, strange neighbors in his hometown. Take the family that lives next door who seem to enjoy battling with each other more than life itself, and you go through the horror of Jackie accidently shooting out a neighbor's window with a BB gun borrowed by Kuter just a few days before their trip to Cranberry Pond. However, quite an interesting development happens that was definitely a life-saving situation for the two young boys in this situation. I have to say that I absolutely loved this book. The entire story took me back to a time that filled my heart with giggles I had long forgotten. It is a story of humor, family, adventures and pure reading enjoyment. This book is a must read, well done, and will leave you with a smile and a skip in your heart. I am proud to give it my highest recommendation. Excellent.