John Sprintall Sprintall itibaren Rataje, Polonya
so far so good!
Liked the drawings.
أشعر بخيبة أمل عظيمة، ربما لأن بدايتي كانت مع سيرته الذاتية! لم أعجب بأسلوبه الأدبي، ولا حتى بكفاحه، بالكاد استطعت إتمام الكتاب للأسف! سأحاول قراءة كتاب آخر له بعد فترة، لعل وعسى!
I'm one of those people who like to complete a series, no matter how awful it is. It gives me a sense of accomplishment and the ability to say "I read it so I know it sucked" when fans accuse me of not reading the series and being swept up in others' opinions of it. Thus, I went in reading Eclipse, Stephenie Meyer's third installment of the Twilight series (not epic enough to be called "saga", not sorry to say) not expecting to be impressed. And I wasn't impressed. Bella is the same boring, whiny teenager she's always been, Edward is still overprotective and creepy, and Jacob is still a third wheel. So what makes this book slightly better than its predecessors? The fact that I gained insight into the backgrounds of some of the other characters and some of them--gasp!--have a reason (albeit tenuous ones) to act the way they do. We learn why Jasper finds it so hard to control himself and why Rosalie "hates" Bella (intended as a way to make Rosalie look shallow in comparison to Bella, thereby raising the reader's opinion of Bella), which is to say she actually loves Bella but is ~just jelly~. We learn some legends about the tribe and we start to get an understanding of Leah Clearwater, who in my opinion, is a fierce HBIC. She's angry, acts out, and asks questions that make other people uncomfortable. The thin plot in this is that Victoria tries to get a newborn vamp army to destroy Bella. You'd think there would be an action scene, but aside from a few crushed bones, most of the fighting takes place off screen. Boring. But I'm glad I made it this far if only to know the side characters a little better.