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Okuyucu Web CLEVER CLEVER itibaren Ceiba Chachagua, Nikaragua

Web CLEVER CLEVER itibaren Ceiba Chachagua, Nikaragua


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oh kupon.


Bu kitapta ilkel yaşamın bazı mükemmel hikayeleri vardı, ancak çok düzensiz bir hikaye anlatımı çabasıydı. Bütün bir 'evren'e kaçmış gibi hissettim, bu yüzden bu bir zevkti. Kesinlikle ekvatoral bir adaya yakın zamanda taşınmak istemeyeceğimi biliyorum. DVR'ımı çok özledim ...


Bu kitaba 4,5 yıldız verirdim! Çok uzun bir kitap ama okumaya değer. Fast Food Nation gibi, bu uzun bir kitap ve benim AP İngilizce 5-6 sınıf için gerekli bir okuma oldu. Öte yandan, Gazap Üzümleri bana çok fazla materyal okumamdan baş ağrısı vermeyen çok daha eğlenceli bir kitap oldu. Bu şimdiye kadar okuduğum en uzun kitap ve yeni favorilerimden biri. John Steinbeck, bir aile olan Joad'ların ardından hayatın onlara atmaya karar verdiği her şeyi yapmaya çalışan kurgusal bir kitap yazmayı başardı. Karakterler, yapılan ya da beklemeye alınan romanda yaptıkları iş nedeniyle yol boyunca kaybolsa da, aile birimini daha iyi anlar ve kalan ve yeni giren karakterleri daha da geliştirir. Joad ailesini görmek bu romanın sadece mikro kozmosudur. Okuyucu, hayatın en çok neye benzediğine dair iyi bir fikir edinmek için onu uygulayabilmeli ve efektlerden sonra Toz Kaselerinin makro kozmosunu görebilmelidir. İç bölümler okuyucuya Steinbeck'in kendi algısı hakkında bilgi verir ve akan bölüm (ler) deki Joad'lara ne olacağını önceden gösterir. Bu bilgiler yalnızca birkaç sayfa olmasına rağmen, okuduğum en iyi sözdiziminden bazılarını içeriyor. Keşke kitabın başlangıcında ortaya çıkan kaplumbağa hakkında daha fazla şey duymuş olsaydım ve akılda yarattığı imaj nedeniyle sembolik son paragrafın biraz farklı olmasını isterdim, bu kitabı anlıyorum ve seviyorum neyse.


Okay, I couldn't put this book down. I read it in three days. Stockett knows how to tell a story and how to get us rooting for the characters. There were many moments where I was worried she would veer off into cliche territory and she managed to keep throwing in details unique enough to keep me addicted. My main issue with the book is that I suspect that the author is not ethically impeccable. One of our book club members said that it's as if Stockett thinks she is this incredibly self-aware person but is just delusional. I think she might be right. I will say that I was prejudiced against her from the beginning because I knew about her pending lawsuit before starting the book. (Stockett is being sued by her brother's maid who says Stockett stole her life story and name.) However, Stockett does seem to take an overly simplistic view of the situation these women were in. One thing that struck me is that the maids never ever seem to resent the white children they care for, even Aibileen who makes it a point to leave her job the moment her charge displays racism. In fact, all the black characters are pretty saintly, even Minnie. There's one villain, Holly, who is pretty much 100% evil. The one complexity of her character is that Aibileen mentions that she's a good mother. That was interesting. I would have liked more of those dichotomies. I will say that the book did have a fresh perspective on segregation. Or at least, it was fresh to me. You see how pervasive it was and how so much injustice was allowed based on peer pressure, essentially. I liked that the story was confined to one town. And the relationship of black maid to white family in the 1960s is a story of endless richness. I think Stockett managed to only hint at this. She did not explore nearly as much as she should have the complexity inherent in this system. How strange and heartbreaking it must have been for these women to raise white children who in many cases grew up to be their racist employers. That story, in a way Stockett's story (or certainly her brother's), is the one that should have been told, not this claptrap about the "good" white person helping all the black people (who do help themselves, Aibeleen writes some of the book) and sharing all the money with them. Stockett is not as generous or self-aware as her character, Skeeter, though she probably thinks she is. Info about the lawsuit: http://beta.clarionledger.com/article...


This book was an interesting and quick read, but I wish it had delved more into the reasons behind wanting gender reassignment surgery...The author states that she KNEW she wanted it, that she KNEW she was the wrong gender, but that is all. It was a good story...but ultimately not one that explored anything very deeply.


Great book. Good read if you like historical fiction.