Laima Cekule Cekule itibaren Nowa Wieś Lęborska, Polonya
Most people born and raised in developed first world countries cannot even imagine the depths of poverty that most of the rest of the world are forced to live with. This story illuminates this fact, as we enter the world of Kino, a pearl diver and occasional fisherman, his wife Juana, and their baby son, Coyotito. All they have is a grass shack house, a few clay cooking utensils, and their prize possession, Kino's boat, inherited from his father and grandfather. The boat is the family's livelihood, providing the means to put a meal on the table and to provide a few pesos for store bought goods by selling the small pearls Kino is able to find. But Kino and his family, far from being depressed or unhappy, have a great treasure; the love they have for each other and their satisfaction with life as it is, with few disturbing dreams of greater things. Their quiet, routine life is turned upside down the day that Kino finds a Great Pearl. Suddenly Kino can dream of better things: a rifle for himself, school for his son so he will be able to read and tell what is really in the books, a real house. But dreams can be deadly things. Dreams lead to desire, and desire to greed, and greed to violence. This novella is about how we are all prisoners of circumstance, and how what seems like the chance to escape the misery of our lives can be but an illusion. It shows how something which in an ideal world should be a great blessing can in fact become a curse. The darker side of human nature is very much paramount in this story, revealing to what depths people will go for the sake of their own financial gain. Steinbeck uses the story of the pearl to illustrate how difficult it can be to change the course of our lives, and how if we try to break out of the unwritten consensus which governs our daily lives, things can not only become lonely but also dangerous, as Kino discovers to his great cost. We see the gradual loss of Kino's real treasures. By the end of the book, events have reached the level of real tragedy, and you, along with Kino, are liable to end up in a state of emotional exhaustion. The characters of Kino and Juana are exquisitely drawn, real people you can relate to even though their lifestyles may be very far from your own. And because they are real people, it is very hard not to get drawn into their lives, where their dreams and their pains very readily become your own. As we read, we wonder what we might have done in Kino's place. Could he have kept his find a secret? His openness to his friends meant the pearl-buyers in town were able to prepare their lies. Maybe by keeping quiet he could have made his way to the city to sell his pearl with his purpose undisclosed. Yet such a secret, such a huge fact - would it have been possible for someone like Kino, for whom family and community were everything, to hold it in? ‘Again the Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: who when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it.’ Matthew 13:45 A parable? Most definitely! The pearl exacts a great price. Along the way it loses its beauty, as men come to desire it not for itself but for the wealth it might bring into their lives. Everyone can take their own meaning from it. The message is simple. The story is simple. This is a short, powerful novella which says more about human nature than some authors can fit into 400 pages. Fear, enchantment, joy, obsession, greed, preservation. Exactly the right amount of words with no compromise. The conclusion is clear, but it is yours.
***1/2 I really did like it, but, I felt it ended too abruptly, there were questions I didn't get answers to by the end of the story, and I missed some of the regular characters, my favorite--Vlad--doesn't make an appearance.