
Florian D D itibaren Texas itibaren Texas

Okuyucu Florian D D itibaren Texas

Florian D D itibaren Texas


This book is not without its flaws. It waxes polemical, is a little too outraged for its own good, slips into caricature, and ends kinda weakly. That said, it may well be the best book I ever read. I read this book super-fast - probably in a day or two, but I still think about the characters and their situations. Because the characters are so strongly realized, the real moments in the story are incredibly powerful. Incredibly funny, erotic, tragic, etc. This book also has quite a bit on the table when it comes to social issues - the tech bubble of the 90's and the greed culture, the fly-over states, corporations, advertising, food, liberal arts colleges, and ambition. But most of it doesn't get in the way. If you've read something by Franzen in the New Yorker and you don't know what the big deal is, don't freak out. His touchy-feely angsted-out personal essays cower in this mega-book's shadow.


I found this book very tedious and very reminiscent of a book by another author with a very similar storyline