
Addison Born Born itibaren Bhulla Rai, Punjab, Hindistan itibaren Bhulla Rai, Punjab, Hindistan

Okuyucu Addison Born Born itibaren Bhulla Rai, Punjab, Hindistan

Addison Born Born itibaren Bhulla Rai, Punjab, Hindistan


Bunu kitap kulübüm için okudum. Türün "Hıristiyan kurgu romantizm" olduğunu duyduğumda, bunun korkunç olacağına ikna olmuştum. Ama, gerçekten beğendim! Düşündüğüm gibi gitmedi ve karakterlerin derinliği vardı. Onu bastırmakta zorlandım, bu yüzden iyi olduğunu söyleyebilirim!


Kitap yavaş olsa da iyi bir okuma. Bu kitapta okuyucu, bir ailenin hayat hikayesini ve babasının hayatını değiştirmeye karar vermesinden sonra olası bir kahramanı (eğer buna çağırabilirse) izler.


Tüm zamanların en sevdiğim 7. Doktor / Ace romanlarımdan biri. Topping & Day sadece dönemi yakalamıyor ... Özel kriyojeniklerde dondurarak kurutuyorlar. TV çağından SONRA öykünür ... ve o çağdan bile daha iyi! On yıl atlamalardan bahsetmişken ... 2007'de TV'lerinden önce okuyucuları ürpertici korkuluklarla dehşete düşürdükleri için tebrikler yazarlara gidiyor.


I liked this one just a little less than the previous two books. Samantha's story is the one I was really looking forward to, but it just seemed so convoluted a lot of the time. I'm not a big fan of the many lies and extreme mistrust scenarios. It didn't make sense to me very much why this woman who'd been tortured by a madman would choose to go out and find some random man to hook up with. I know it was her working through her issues, but I just wish it could've been done a different way. The romance between her and Max started out in ugliness, and though they eventually got to a really nice place, I was still stuck on the ugly a little bit. I'm not sure Eden brought us through the bad parts as thoroughly as she should have. I felt a little confused by it all about halfway through. The whole murder mystery was chaotic, and though I enjoyed it, it came off sometimes like the author was trying to throw every curveball known to man at us. She seriously led us to belive it was about 50 different people during the course of the book. Maybe it's just a personal preference, but it didn't make much sense to me. I like a good surprise ending as well as the next person, but not quite this many surprises. I guess this review sounds like I didn't enjoy the book very much, but I actually did. Cynthia Eden's writing style alone is good enough to make me like it. I love the whole SSD unit, and especially loved getting to see more of Monica and Luke, and even a little bit of Kenton. Durn it, I really want to know more about Hyde and his missing daughter! Looking forward to the next book in the series.


I can not say how much I love this book!!!!!


This is a Bryson book. It is funny and it has its laugh-out-loud moments, but, as it's only a collection of essays from his stint writing for a London paper on life back in the U.S., it lacks the deep research, and Bryson's absolute capability to decipher that into readable, digestible language, that makes a Bryson book such a good read. These are super fun essays. They're not meant to be read straight through; don't do it this way. If you do, you'll find yourself getting bored with his literary devices; the rhythmic rise and fall of a work that is most markedly a Bryson essay. Keep it by the bedside. Read one a night. You'll fall asleep laughing, or maybe chuckling sort of ruefully, or dreaming about weird statistics, but you'll fall asleep in a good mood.