
Maarten De Wispelaere De Wispelaere itibaren Stânca, Romanya itibaren Stânca, Romanya

Okuyucu Maarten De Wispelaere De Wispelaere itibaren Stânca, Romanya

Maarten De Wispelaere De Wispelaere itibaren Stânca, Romanya


A thorough retelling of a familiar story (duh), which does lead to some points of "um, yeah, pretty sure I know what's gonna happen here". But still a fun read.


Clara Lee is a third grader who dreams of becoming Little Miss Apple Pie in her town. She is best friends with Shayna and Max, and she has a little sister who annoys her at times. One night, she has a bad dream about her grandfather, but when she tells him about the dream, he says that it actually means Good Luck in Korean culture! Clara Lee's next few days are filled with good luck, such as being able to climb all the way to the top of the rope in PE, finding treats in her desk, and feeling brave enough to make a speech for the Little Miss Apple Pie contest. Short book with cute illustrations!


I am still reading. This book is about becoming a leader particularly in the Business world. However it can be applied to any part of like. It goes into the psychology of why and how leaders gain and loose Credibility.


Henry Neff writes an amazing tale. I think both children and adults will love. Looking forward to the second book in the series!