
Guilherme Garcia Garcia itibaren Maloye Batyrevo, Chuvashia, Rusya, 429700 itibaren Maloye Batyrevo, Chuvashia, Rusya, 429700

Okuyucu Guilherme Garcia Garcia itibaren Maloye Batyrevo, Chuvashia, Rusya, 429700

Guilherme Garcia Garcia itibaren Maloye Batyrevo, Chuvashia, Rusya, 429700


I'm still wading into the Atwood oeuvre, having only read Wilderness Tips and The Handmaid's Tale as yet. This book, while full of well-crafted stories, didn't impress me as much as the stories in Wilderness Tips did. All the craft is there, but something was turned to 10 or 11 in her other stories which was only at 8 or 9 here. The stories are less daring, the frames (many of the stories in Wilderness Tips are framed by the protagonist recounting or remembering the events) when they occur less illuminating. This book is still good and intelligently written, but the comparison to her other work is irresistible, and where I shivered perhaps once from the beauty and horror in these pages, her other work made me lose count of the shivers.