
Martina Ardissono Ardissono itibaren Kayadibi Mahallesi itibaren Kayadibi Mahallesi

Okuyucu Martina Ardissono Ardissono itibaren Kayadibi Mahallesi

Martina Ardissono Ardissono itibaren Kayadibi Mahallesi


Finally, selesai juga baca Goddess Trilogy =) The final book, adalah cerita tentang Isabel(adik-nya Gray) dan Toby(mantan tunangan-nya Sophia). Jujur Bel adalah heroine yg paling gak gue suka dari 3 buku ini. Bel itu tuh peduli baget sama orang2 di sekitar-nya, saking care-nya dia ampe ngak pedulian sama Toby, bahkan diri-nya sendiri-__- Geram bgt aku pas baca Toby ngasih ice cream ke Bel, terus si Bel nolak karna cuma gara2 masalah gula, hah?! gula, ya ampun, tambah bt deh sama si Bel ini. Alasan-nya karna dy bilang klo orang2 kecil-lah yg bekerja keras menghasilkan gula itu, padahal mereka sendiri gak dipentingin( gak jelas bgt deh si Bel, huh) Why 3 stars, karna toby yg sangat patient di deket Bel, karna cover-nya yg bagus, and karna di buku terakhir ini bisa liat Lucy and Jeremy lagi, bisa liat Sophia and Gray lagi. Sedangkan untuk Bel sori2 aja gak ada bintang buat dia! Jujur aja gue sampe berusaha buat finish nih buku, cuma gara2 Bel yg nyebelin, dibandingin ama Lucy ato Sophia mending milih mereka daripada Bel. The positive point-nya seneng aja bisa liat Lucy yg diceritakan melahirkan baby boy Jeremy:'), terharu juga baca-nya, apalagi si Lucy lagi berantem gitu sama Jeremy. Malah kayak-nya aku lebih enjoy sama cerita-nya Joss sama Hetta, meski cuma sekilas, but that very touchy and sweet. Toby juga sebagai hero, gak terlalu gentle seperti yg gue pikirin(menurutku-_-), yah ngakpapa deh pokok-nya dari 3 buku itu, paling suka sama the first book, cerita-nya Jeremy and Lucy pastinya, Two thumbs fo TD, yang membuat trilogi ini gak membosankan(cuma pas cerita-nya Bel sih bikin emosian:P)


This is an interesting book, both from a fictional perspective as well as from an historical one. It's a quick read, but isn't pure brain candy like most drama/suspense fiction books are. It provides a lesson on religion that is woven throughout the story, but is pretty obviously meant to inform the reader as much as the main characters in the book. It also lends itself to a sequel, since we only learn of the First Secret Mystery; much more interesting than a dry historical account. It is a little rough in some places, and some of the dialogue feels pretty forced, but overall it was an engaging story with contemporary themes. Bibliography and Book Club Discussion questions at the end provide further information and opportunities to probe deeper into the history of religion. I received this book from the Goodreads giveaway - I am gradually learning more and more about various world religions and enjoyed reading this book. It makes me want to learn more about the earliest religions and how Christianity has evolved throughout the years.


I love this book.