
Cyrille Micallef Micallef itibaren アメリカ合衆国 〒62543 イリノイ ラッサム itibaren アメリカ合衆国 〒62543 イリノイ ラッサム

Okuyucu Cyrille Micallef Micallef itibaren アメリカ合衆国 〒62543 イリノイ ラッサム

Cyrille Micallef Micallef itibaren アメリカ合衆国 〒62543 イリノイ ラッサム


This book is about November Nelson. This book starts out with her boyfriend Josh dieing. The night befor this got a little wild and three mounths later she finds out shes pregnant. She feel misrable. Then on top of that Joshes parents are tryin to take the baby away from from her. The baby is born 1 mounth early and has to go to the recovery. So jothes parents dont want itt anymore. What i learned from this book is that you should do foolish things cause they can come out with bad results.