
Thanva Chalinrat Chalinrat itibaren Willow Springs, CA 93517، الولايات المتحدة itibaren Willow Springs, CA 93517، الولايات المتحدة

Okuyucu Thanva Chalinrat Chalinrat itibaren Willow Springs, CA 93517، الولايات المتحدة

Thanva Chalinrat Chalinrat itibaren Willow Springs, CA 93517، الولايات المتحدة


interesting/ odd theme. Cute book for young adult females.


I LOVED this book. I want to have lunch with Anita Diamant.


*GoodReads First Read* This biography is definitely for the more academically-inclined reader. Although this isn't necessarily a bad thing, it certainly makes the book a bit slower and not as exciting as some readers may expect. While there aren't many records to draw from (Weir's work is meticulously researched despite this lack of documents), there was too much usage of the words "possibly", "maybe", and "probably" for my taste -- I felt like Weir wasn't so much making/supporting arguments or shedding light on Mary Boleyn and her life as presenting supposed misrepresentations of Mary and leaving the reader to decide the truth for him-/herself without much evidence in either case. The ending also seemed abrupt to me. Again, this is criticism from an academic standpoint; if you're reading this as a more literary/mainstream biography, you'll probably be more disappointed or confused. There was great potential, but it might say something that the most interesting thing in the book was mention of the theory that Katherine of Aragon's infertility was caused by anorexia...