
Mateo Arenas Arenas itibaren Búger itibaren Búger

Okuyucu Mateo Arenas Arenas itibaren Búger

Mateo Arenas Arenas itibaren Búger


One of my favorite all-time works. Nabokov is my man.


You should probably read it. It's my best story I had read at chilhood.


Great place to start for anyone looking to get into Pynchon. If you find yourself scratching your head or unaware what you're reading consider that a sign the man's books are not for you. If you're laughing and enjoying the bizzare characters, the satire, and the puzzling plot and word play, then read on...


love him. loved she's come undone and i know this much is true. i liked the beginning because he explains how the protagonists from the aforementioned books are based on students that he taught. i love that he's a teacher who started writign around age thirty. love it! there's hope for me yet. the short stories are hard to read, but need to be read. like the students i taught, these women have had difficult lives which is why they wound up in prison; it wasn't only bad choices, but tough circumstances as well. makes you realize how lucky you are.


If you feel as strongly as I do about the Oxford comma, then you should read this book.