
Andrew Rae Rae itibaren मूंकिलादी, तमिल नाडु 627501, भारत itibaren मूंकिलादी, तमिल नाडु 627501, भारत

Okuyucu Andrew Rae Rae itibaren मूंकिलादी, तमिल नाडु 627501, भारत

Andrew Rae Rae itibaren मूंकिलादी, तमिल नाडु 627501, भारत


Hard to follow and understand, a let down.


This is the first Nora Roberts book I've read in years and it was nice to slip back into the familiarity of the worlds she creates. I loved Mac's story and really responded to the friendship between all the women of Vows. I can't wait to read the rest!