
Natalia Mustaf Mustaf itibaren Moda Khera, Haryana 125052, India itibaren Moda Khera, Haryana 125052, India

Okuyucu Natalia Mustaf Mustaf itibaren Moda Khera, Haryana 125052, India

Natalia Mustaf Mustaf itibaren Moda Khera, Haryana 125052, India


A brilliant marketing idea, but pretty forgettable as an actual book.


Persephone or Seph as she is known is a witch as is her Nana. To make ends meet Seph reads Tarot cards, writes a weekly column on weres and lets the local werewolves kennel at her house on full moons. Having been abandoned by mother at a young age and brought up by her Grandmother Seph’s heart strings are pulled for a little girl called Beverly whose mother and seph’s friend Lorrie has just been murdered. Speh is talked into killing the murderer for $200,000 by another local witch but Seph doesn’t realize her intended victim is a vampire. Seph needs all the help she can get so she goes from living alone with virtually no friends to her house being overtaken by her Nana, a Great Dane puppy and were friends including the tattooed gorgeous, leather pant wearing werewolf and singer of local band Lycanthropia. Now I am a bit biased when it comes to this series as it is a re-read for me in preparation for book 6 which recently came out. So as I know what happens in books 1-5 I can’t really see why other people are not as keen on Vicious Circle as I am. We are thrown in at the deep end with the plot. We don’t really know anything about the characters or the world in which they live. In fact this series is written like one long book that is split up into smaller books so information is given to us throughout and your questions do get answered you just have to be patient and read all of the books in the series. The story starts a little slow, but keep with it as it picks up towards the end when the vampires are introduced and then it gets all sorts of exciting. The world building is really good and Ms Robertson uses extreme prejudice against the weres by humans in the story which I thought was interesting. I like the characters and love Johnny. The vampires are as vampires should be, controlling, untrustworthy, scary, sexy and out for themselves. I highly recommend this series, it isn’t for everyone but if you are an Urban Fantasy fan you should really try it at least. Once again I am giving Vicious Circle 5 stars.