
Deleted itibaren Ustków, Polska itibaren Ustków, Polska

Okuyucu Deleted itibaren Ustków, Polska

Deleted itibaren Ustków, Polska


The Jon Stewart review on the front of the book really does sum it up nicely. The Know-It-All is the year long allotment a journalist allows himself to read the entire Encyclopaedia Britannica; and it is very much a condensed version of the EB. The book has no plot, more an alphabetized assortment of various people, places, or things the author found interesting during his read or had personal anecdotes for. It did occasionally make me laugh, and after some time to let it sit, I'd come back and give it another once over.


http://nhw.livejournal.com/991208.html[return][return]This book really is the most utter tosh. I can see how it fits in the literary genealogy linking Bram Stoker and Buffy, but Stoker is less pretentious and Buffy is much funnier.