
Puri Thon Thon itibaren Casimiro Castillo, 48930 La Resolana, Jal., Mexico itibaren Casimiro Castillo, 48930 La Resolana, Jal., Mexico

Okuyucu Puri Thon Thon itibaren Casimiro Castillo, 48930 La Resolana, Jal., Mexico

Puri Thon Thon itibaren Casimiro Castillo, 48930 La Resolana, Jal., Mexico


I rated this book prematurely because I did like the beginning. But then I got past the beginning and it all went down hill. Some sentences really spoke to me and were important to the plot (if you could call it that) and then other times, probably the majority at the end, I was just like WTF is this! This is just pure babble that I don't understand. Maybe if I would have cared a little bit more, but I just didn't. I think I read on the back of the book that she revolutionized literature with her writing, which I can completely see and I can see how important it is, but I don't even know. uggh.