
Alan Barboza Barboza itibaren 4371 Großerlau, Ausztria itibaren 4371 Großerlau, Ausztria

Okuyucu Alan Barboza Barboza itibaren 4371 Großerlau, Ausztria

Alan Barboza Barboza itibaren 4371 Großerlau, Ausztria


As one fascinated by circuses, maybe even obsessed, I couldn't turn the pages fast enough to assemble Gruen's imagery of a Depression-era circus. From the transforamtion of an empty lot into the vast circus experience in a matter of hours to the construction of an elephant act, I reveled in the moment and still dreaded the shrinking number of pages remaining much as I would guess a child savors a day at the Big Top. Without including any spoilers, I will just say there was a lot more depth to this book than I anticipated. I understand there are a few elements of the book some of my friends who have read this book could do without so I should probably give it a cautionary recommendation--no book club suggestion from me--but there's so much good in this book that I can't help but think anyone who enjoys dissecting the layers of a good story would enjoy it.