
itibaren Uzunköy, 53870 Uzunköy/Rize Merkez/Rize, Turkey itibaren Uzunköy, 53870 Uzunköy/Rize Merkez/Rize, Turkey

Okuyucu itibaren Uzunköy, 53870 Uzunköy/Rize Merkez/Rize, Turkey

itibaren Uzunköy, 53870 Uzunköy/Rize Merkez/Rize, Turkey


Bill Bryson is an American, but you can tell from his writing that his soul has always belonged in Britain. Britons adore Bryson for loving this country at least as much as its native-born do, and for reminding them of what is so good about it. You'll soon be won over by his incomparable wit. Reading about his adjustment from the USA to the UK will make you laugh. If you know both the UK and USA, you'll also repeatedly nod in emphatic agreement. Before you finish the first chapter, you will have encountered several of the first language and cultural stumbling blocks you are likely to trip over when you first come from the States to Britain. I first read this in late 2003 during a visit. Now that I have lived in England for a few years, I have re-read this book and find that I appreciate it more. I've now been to many of the places in his book and steeped long enough in this culture to absorb his perspectives at an entirely different level.