
Cody M M itibaren Warninglid, Haywards Heath, West Sussex RH17(大不列颠)联合王国 itibaren Warninglid, Haywards Heath, West Sussex RH17(大不列颠)联合王国

Okuyucu Cody M M itibaren Warninglid, Haywards Heath, West Sussex RH17(大不列颠)联合王国

Cody M M itibaren Warninglid, Haywards Heath, West Sussex RH17(大不列颠)联合王国


Gah! This book sucks. Robin McKinley apparently went on a Buffy-watching bender and decided to pump out this third rate vampire slayer novel. It reads like a bad pilot for the WB, and McKinley has NO ear for contemporary language or slang. I still want my final Damar "trilogy" book (I've been waiting for over 20 years) but if this is the state of her writing, maybe I'll stick to writing fan-fiction in my head.