Erwin Oberkofler Oberkofler itibaren Guadalupe Victoria, Zac., Mexico
just openned it up hoping i love it know i will like it i like almost everyone he has ever wrote
This book has a story. I was working on a novel (never finished as usual) and part of it was set in Egypt, so I was looking for some fiction set in Egypt. I found out about this book and that it had Akenaton as a main character (and he was to play a part in my book as well) so I hunted for it for a long time. I finally dished out some cash (and as you may know I'm pretty cheap) to get it off the internet after searching endless used bookstores. The result: I saw it somewhere else a week later for a fraction of the price. I read it and it wasn't that great. Kind of slow and repetitive. I'm sure there's a moral to this story somewhere, I just can't figure it out at the moment.