
itibaren Sawino, Polska itibaren Sawino, Polska

Okuyucu itibaren Sawino, Polska

itibaren Sawino, Polska


I normally don't like shifter books, but this book grabbed me with the family (pride) dynamics. I loved all of the extended characters and the world-building. Liam was an alpha pussycat I could totally rally behind. Weaker was the heroine, Kim. She's supposed to be some bad-azz lawyer, but we never see her in action. She's never met a shifter (really, in the 20 years they've been "out"), yet was on her back for one in just hours. (And I was seriously irritated by how many times the term "sexed" was used, and that their first scene was on the bathroom floor and she kept mentioning how perfect it was. Wow. Low standards there.) She always needed the saving. The climax at the end provided a really good, but all too short action scene. The shifter mythology was unique in that even though the shifters exist in the human world, they are segregated and treated pretty badly (so we're told, we never really see much of this), but the shifters seem to want it that way. I almost felt for the villain, at least he didn't want his people oppressed anymore. Yes, I get it, that without the special magic collar to keep them tame they'd end up killing themselves and their species would die out. This was a good book, better than many shifter stories I've read, but I still prefer this author's historical works.


Magical, delicious, fishy novel.