
Melty Cone Cone itibaren 대만 新竹縣峨眉鄉石井村 itibaren 대만 新竹縣峨眉鄉石井村

Okuyucu Melty Cone Cone itibaren 대만 新竹縣峨眉鄉石井村

Melty Cone Cone itibaren 대만 新竹縣峨眉鄉石井村


What can anyone say about this book? After 15 years of living in SE Asia and watching the performance of these predators, stuffing their very being from the swill trough for little or no positive return-indeed on occasion, if positively anything then it would be positively destructive, I felt I needed to get some facts. The anathema with which I regard these people began to look to me slightly hysterical, so I began to wonder whether, at least a goodly part of the problem was with my perception rather than their performance. Regrettably no! If anything my loathing of the entire system for delivery of aid, along with its institutions and the people within it has grown as a consequence of the fact gathering. All my worst stereotypical classification of the lot, as self interested, self serving and incompetent at best through to cynically exploitative to just plain evil, at worst was confirmed in substance by the research and observations here. The figures and the examples given in this book may be slightly dated now, but things have not changed. If anything they have gotten worse as the global Aid budget has ballooned as a result of that masterful piece of UN PR propaganda The Millennium Development Goals. Thy themselves remarkable more in their failure to be achieved across the board rather than the slim pickings provided by some improvement. The best image for the whole industry, that comes to mind is Jabba the Hut from Star Wars. Grossly bloated and insatiable. It is difficult to understand how this absolute obscenity could have become any worse than when this book was first published, but it has. I do not oppose Aid but the industry that bloats its own appetites from the proceeds using the suffering of the poor as justification and the sophistication of modern PR to hide the truth of its rapaciousness and the damage it does both individually and globally. I oppose all of that as iniquitous! Cut off the funds dissolve the World Bank and the IMF and demolish the UN, the argument that something is better than nothing just can't hold up after even the most cursory examination of the results. The current world crisis brought about by the flight of refugees and so called economic migrants, is at least in large part directly attributable to the failure of the Aid industry across the troubled countries of the world. It has not only failed but exacerbated the problems with the countries in Africa now worse off than they were just Pst WW2 when this huge development effort was begun and systematized. The only people who have benefitted have been corrupt ruling classes and the overpaid and generally inept aid workers themselves. This book was so disturbing I could only read it a small slice at a time. The anger and despair it evoked in me was almost unbearbable at times. My inclination to have absolutely nothing to do with anyone who benefits from this the greatest fraud in history now feels absolute. They are for me agents of evil, simply beyond the pale without exception. Naivete or delusion are not an excuse.