
Qiming Tan Tan itibaren Las Mercedes 84000, Dominikānas Republika itibaren Las Mercedes 84000, Dominikānas Republika

Okuyucu Qiming Tan Tan itibaren Las Mercedes 84000, Dominikānas Republika

Qiming Tan Tan itibaren Las Mercedes 84000, Dominikānas Republika


Paul Sutton's Thicker than Water takes an unusual continuity angle of visiting Evelyn Smythe after she has left the Doctor and married Rossiter from Arrangements for War: Six takes Mel to visit her, Mel having expressed interest in meeting the woman who tamed the Doctor after the unstable start to his regeneration. The actual plot is rather straightforward - emotional conflict between Evelyn and her doctor stepdaughter, with a rather minor sfnal element of alien tech captured from the Killoran invaders - but there are lots of reflections on parental and quasi-parental relationships, including a twist at the end involving a brief appearance from elsewhen in continuity. Actually rather satisfying.