Semmes Null Null itibaren Texas
Bu kitabı çok hızlı okudum (çoğu insanın da bildiğinden eminim). Karakterler biraz tek boyutlu ve yazma stili tamamen işlevsel, ancak hikaye fikri yeni ve ilginçti. Şimdiye kadar herkes okudu, ne hakkında konuştuğumu biliyorsun ... yeterince dedi.
i was intrigued by Christopher/Alex's story, but i could not stand Krakauer's splicing of his own near death experience/fractured relationship with his father with the true main character's. annoying.
Not sure about this book. Derting is a decent writer but the whole dystopian concept leaves me leery.
One of the fantasy classics that is relatively unknown.
Like eating a bag of mini snickers for dinner, this book is an indulgence. A lot of fun, wonderful characters. The series has some pretty graphic sex so be warned (or be intrigued).