
Bruno Vieira Vieira itibaren 德國維蒂布羅伊特 itibaren 德國維蒂布羅伊特

Okuyucu Bruno Vieira Vieira itibaren 德國維蒂布羅伊特

Bruno Vieira Vieira itibaren 德國維蒂布羅伊特


The good news? Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer was my favorite of the first three. The bad news? I’m still not buying into the Twilight phenomenon. The story has a love triangle, which is interesting until it becomes a bit too boring and tepid. Jacob the wolf and Edward the vampire each vie for Bella’s love, but the two must learn to work together when Bella’s life is in great danger. Bella, worried about who is after her, thinks becoming a vampire herself will be the only way she can be safe again- and protect her family as well. I don’t think I’ll be spoiling this for anyone when I say that Bella chooses Edward as her soul mate, and they begin planning a wedding, to the happiness of the Cullen clan. It took awhile (three very long books) but Bella finally begins to show some backbone in Eclipse. She stands up for herself again Jacob, and even is firm with Edward. That was nice to see. But she still lets Edward basically take her hostage during the weekend, and dismantle her truck so she can’t get away. I didn’t like that part. And honestly, there were a lot times where I was wishing she would end up with Jacob. He just seemed so much nicer than Edward, less controlling and moody. But what do I know about being seventeen and finding my “eternal love?” Not much I guess. There were also a lot of things I did like about this book. It was much faster paced than the first two, which made me want to applaud. The action was there, making me more invested in the story and the characters. I liked the background Meyer provides on the other Cullen’s, which I do think was a bit overdue. I am not in any anticipation to read the fourth and final book. If it is offered to me, I will probably read it, but I will not buy it.