
Luis David David itibaren Takua Thung District, Phang-nga, Thailand itibaren Takua Thung District, Phang-nga, Thailand

Okuyucu Luis David David itibaren Takua Thung District, Phang-nga, Thailand

Luis David David itibaren Takua Thung District, Phang-nga, Thailand


You know that thing that stand up comedians do where they describe a situation that everyone has been through but no one ever verbalizes, so it's very funny when they, on stage, verbalize what they take as every person's thoughts on the subject and you think "hey - he's right!" That's what this book does - and does very well in a pretty refreshing style (It is Steve Martin, after all). I wasn't big on the story itself, but seriously loved the writing. Book is short and sweet - pick it up next time you're looking for something you can read it in a sitting.