Ivan Paudice Paudice itibaren Ingworth, Norwich, Norfolk NR11, UK
It's too bad this has such a horrible title, because it really is a delightful version of Pride and Prejudice, not to mention one of the few that gets the Elizabeth/Jane relationship.
A delightful story of technology being adapted to recognize witches who are maybe wandering in the world without any training to control or discipline for their budding powers. This story is like others that Debora Geary has written about Witches that just sings with the sense of love and family. If only the real world had such positive views of how life can be, how much better off the world might be. This story centers on a Witch who always felt she didn't have any powers and longed to be like other children being raised in her community. Only when special programming and research was done by the techno whizzes was their tools able to recognize someone who could draw power from the internet. This left out Witch wasn't too happy with her power until she was able to "Save the Day" using her newly identified power. Just love Debora's stories, it is nice to read with a smile on your face. Treat yourself to a great read!