Adam Skalik Skalik itibaren Houlton, ME, Amerika Syarikat
Janet Jackson reveals her deepest emotions such as emotional eating habits, how they begun, and starting as an actress (Penny on Good Times) at 10 years old was the first time she heard about losing weight, called FAT. She had to face this ordeal during her career and even success. She shares when she got her biggest in 2006, 180, she was in the tabloids; I also recall her gaining an amount of weight back on the Control album (When I think of you--video). She also wore black to try to hide her weight gain. She admits she learned to control he eating, exercising, and had to stay disciplined to see the significant weight loss. But when she was in a funk, she would turn to food. She felt it was impossible to lose weight sometimes, even though she ran 3-5 miles a day; just was muscular, strong, and heavier than most. She can relate to the frustration even after the hard workouts, not seeing the loss in return. Despite her fluctuations in weight loss or gain, she discovered that it starts with one's inside view of themselves and discipline. She learned with David Allen (and a Chef prepared her foods without sugar or sodium but some are listed in the book with low in sodium, sugar, fat) how to be disciplined in 2006; even though there was fluctuation with her weight, she knew it was a challenge but had to keep a balanced nutrition as part of her life which takes work. Work on both physical as well as emotional. She is against diets--don't work, illusions, temporal, and a plan has to be a permanent lifestyle. She says to eat well, balanced meals, and eat often (which I have been sharing with mom to get your metabolism going). These consist of three good meals and two healthy snacks. Overall the answer is in you--the true you. I love the photos of Janet, even when she got her biggest, and she says "all the exercise in the world means nothing until you find the true you" (paraphrased). This touched my soul; since I haven't been athletic built since high school. I have to find me, and then do it again. I have lost weight before but it was on diets and overly exercising but didn't get back to my ideal weight even back in 1996. I only had about 30 lbs to go, yet kept it off for about 2 years and now back where I started at my biggest weight. So this book has opened up something in me (even after reading tons of weight loss books and so-called secrets) and willing to do what I need to do...cleanse my mind, soul, and body first. The only reason why this wasn't a 5 star was including other people in the storyline. Although it may be relatable to her point of view or subject area, it lost the essence of wanting to know about Janet's personal issues around weight, self-esteem, and insecurities. She also only gives bits and pieces of her to the world which we have to understand, she was raised a way to smile and overshadow the inner demons and pain she suffered. So I get that and respect that. I really wanted to know about how to unleash the true you, and get the sufficient results you are seeking in your life, career, or weight! Like Janet, she wanted to get to 130 by 40th birthday and I also want to lose weight by then. I have 26 weeks to do it. Adrienna Turner dream4more reviews: