
Luiz Ricardo Paes Ricardo Paes itibaren Hausleiten, النمسا itibaren Hausleiten, النمسا

Okuyucu Luiz Ricardo Paes Ricardo Paes itibaren Hausleiten, النمسا

Luiz Ricardo Paes Ricardo Paes itibaren Hausleiten, النمسا


I had to drop this book as it left no mystery as to the events ahead. It would foreshadow, and then it would just come right out and tell you. The teacher goes out into the storm to seek help, will he make it? NO. They come out and tell you two sentences later. No suspense. I gave it to page 58, and then I couldn't take it anymore. I was curious about the story, and I wanted to keep reading, but the author and his editors need to work together in the future to not reveal so much so soon. It left no reason to continue.