
Phuc Design Design itibaren 2567 Kopriva, Bulgaria itibaren 2567 Kopriva, Bulgaria

Okuyucu Phuc Design Design itibaren 2567 Kopriva, Bulgaria

Phuc Design Design itibaren 2567 Kopriva, Bulgaria


I came back from my mission with a lot of questions about LDS history and found this book on my mom's shelf. The problem with reading Mormon history is it tends to be authored by members of one of two groups. Either you have the squeaky-clean utterly dull (for a lifetime Mormon) church version. After awhile, you've just heard all the major quotes and anecdotes and you want to know more. Unfortunately, a lot of people hate the LDS church and have an axe to grind, or at the least take a snarky belittling tone to something that is important to me. So how to find a happy medium? Another perspective not dripping with disdain? This book does a pretty good job -- while the author's portrayal of early LDS leaders is not entirely flattering you do get a more rounded picture of a controversial woman. I liked it, though in the end it raised more questions than it answered for me.
