
G itibaren Kayıkçılar Köyü, 67900 Kayıkçılar Köyü/Çaycuma/Zonguldak, Türgi itibaren Kayıkçılar Köyü, 67900 Kayıkçılar Köyü/Çaycuma/Zonguldak, Türgi

Okuyucu G itibaren Kayıkçılar Köyü, 67900 Kayıkçılar Köyü/Çaycuma/Zonguldak, Türgi

G itibaren Kayıkçılar Köyü, 67900 Kayıkçılar Köyü/Çaycuma/Zonguldak, Türgi


This contained some interesting ideas... how much of our lives can we design for ourselves and how much is down to luck / chance? Although the story and the two main characters were interesting, I got bored of the way that different possibilities kept being offered about how things might happen in their lives... I just wanted to hear about what DID happen. It was a clever idea but I didn't find it particularly convincing and it distracted me from the actual story. I wasn't impressed with the way that it ended either, but I won't give that away!