
Efdal itibaren Hadige, Karnataka, India itibaren Hadige, Karnataka, India

Okuyucu Efdal itibaren Hadige, Karnataka, India

Efdal itibaren Hadige, Karnataka, India


Wright knows the sky is perpetually falling, and will continue to do so at intervals as long as humans are around, unless the whole species starts thinking really, incredibly, impossibly long-term. F***ing our environment for progress is nothing new and has been the main reason most civilizations in history took dirt naps. Emphasis on "civilization" -- once you have critical mass of population, hierarchical society, agriculture, technology and so on, the end result is a safer bet than death and taxes combined. Lather, rinse, repeat. Nothing terribly new, and no solutions offered, but I like that his examples come from the whole range of human history. Plus it's just a very lucid & enjoyable read.