
Mcnez itibaren Queenhill, Worcestershire, Apvienotā Karaliste itibaren Queenhill, Worcestershire, Apvienotā Karaliste

Okuyucu Mcnez itibaren Queenhill, Worcestershire, Apvienotā Karaliste

Mcnez itibaren Queenhill, Worcestershire, Apvienotā Karaliste


Kasus pembunuhannya lebih kejam jadi lebih menarik, meskipun sebel karena cooper nya gak mau jadi rebound guy nya Heather :(


Oh. My. God. Imagine if someone took your most personal writing, your diary entries from when you had a crush on Tony or totally hated Dana*, your fan letters to Kirk Cameron, or your list of ways to improve your wretched, self-hating teen incarnation of you. And then they edited it for form and published it in the BEST BOOK EVER. Just imagine. I heart this book so so so much. I don't remember the last time I laughed out loud like this. I was cracking up with abandon on the subway, in line at the airport (come on, a book that makes THAT experience is enjoyable is well worth reading!), you name it. I suppose if you wanted to be philosophical about it you could say that it's a great lens through which to view teenage paranoia and get a little perspective on just how self-centered we were... and maybe still are? :) *Note: Any coincidence to persons living or dead is purely coincidence.