Thiago Henrique Brand Henrique Brand itibaren Tanjong Krueng, Sigli City, Pidie Regency, Aceh, Indonesia
I liked the book, although its main character, Alex Cross, was a bit too unrealistic for me, at least at first. He sort of grows on you though, and I liked the story a lot. By the end, I felt sorry for the bad guys, just a little, because they all seemed to be psychotic. But on the other hand, I think they all should have just been put out of their misery, instead of just the two secret service agents.
Africa, Missionaries, evil, all from different points of views from different women in one family. Incredibly written stylistically.
Yang terpenting bukanlah apa dirimu, tapi apa yang kaulakukan. Apa yang dilakukan oleh seorang bocah yang mengaku dulunya seekor tikus? Sehingga bisa menarik perhatian pasangan kakek nenek hingga dianggap seperti anak? Dianggap "menguntungkan" oleh pemilik sirkus Mr. Tapscrew? Seorang yang lihai dapat dapat diandalkan, aku Billy? Roger, hanya melakukan hal yang dianggapnya benar dan mengakui kesalahan yang Ia lakukan.