
itibaren Pshenychne, Kyivs'ka oblast, Ukraine itibaren Pshenychne, Kyivs'ka oblast, Ukraine

Okuyucu itibaren Pshenychne, Kyivs'ka oblast, Ukraine

itibaren Pshenychne, Kyivs'ka oblast, Ukraine


a couple quotes below. i loved this book, he is not a religious person, but much of what he talks about is what many faiths have always taught. he also talked about how being grateful makes us happier and actually kinder too. if we look for things to be grateful about we will find them and be happier for it. he is interesting on meditation and why it is hard to keep it going. the hawthorn effect means that changes are usually positive but this wears off and then the temptation is to try something else, which also works until that too wears off, and so on. the "trick" is to stick at it! so not a trick at all. "Part of the problem is that what we call happiness is in fact a 'flow state' of unconsciousness, the sort of thing that happens when you're so engrossed in a hobby... that you just don't notice time passing. You lose yourself as your ego and your preoccupations fall away. You can't force this, but willing it to happen can cause a kind of self-help psychosis - the psychological equivalent of the watched kettle syndrome... [as:] John Stuart Mill famously wrote 'Ask yourself if you are happy, and you cease to be so.'" 184 "The government has a split personality on this. It keeps telling people to get out of their cars and consume less. But we would be up the creek without a paddle if everyone did. As it currently exists, our economy relies strictly on increase in consumption". Tim Jackson. 221