
Kamila Montalv Montalv itibaren インド 〒389341 グジャラート カントゥ itibaren インド 〒389341 グジャラート カントゥ

Okuyucu Kamila Montalv Montalv itibaren インド 〒389341 グジャラート カントゥ

Kamila Montalv Montalv itibaren インド 〒389341 グジャラート カントゥ


Featured at An Abundance of Books "I Love Him To Pieces" is like the cotton candy of zombie books. I was expecting something more along the lines of "The Walking Dead" or at the least "High School of the Dead", but I got a far more kinder and gentler version of the zombie genre. Evonne Tsang has written a delightfully witty treat of a zombie story. While Janina Gorrissen is a great artist, there are places where I can't figure out what was going on in the picture, and this affected the storytelling. This, combined with a small problem with the flow of events brings the book down a notch. However, the story is so much fun, total brain candy. This would be a fun one to pick up from the library. Read full review HERE


This book was free with my Mothers of Preschoolers membership 2 years ago. It is a collection of short (1-4 page) stories (à la Chicken Soup for the Soul) written by mothers about their challenges in raising small children. The stories are grouped into thematic chapters (i.e. Perspective, Hope, Finding Help), and each chapter ends with reflective questions. There were several nice stories in the book, and some of the reflective questions were nice. I do not, however, feel like I gathered any Earth-shaking knowledge on parenting. It was a nice, light read, but it should be taken for what it's worth and nothing more. If you like Chicken Soup books, then this is a nice book, as long as you are alright with several of the stories being infused with Biblical quotes and Christian perspectives (as MOPS, Inc. is a Christian organization).