
GinsunCG Studio Studio itibaren Limours, France itibaren Limours, France

Okuyucu GinsunCG Studio Studio itibaren Limours, France

GinsunCG Studio Studio itibaren Limours, France


"An Epic Novel of Japan" the cover boasts--and perhaps it is, although it serves better as a set up to its sequel than anything else. Still, there are some great moments in here, and the interpretation of Japan that is built upon in this novel is good. The fanstasy elements, while too sparse to qualify the novel for any such genre label, enhance the characters of the story and don't dissuade the reader too much from the historical backrgound. It is only near the end, though, that the author's brilliance is first revealed--a power that is brought into full bearing in the sequel.


Couldn't get through it!