
Ekaterina Docheva Docheva itibaren Синмертін 407520, Румунія itibaren Синмертін 407520, Румунія

Okuyucu Ekaterina Docheva Docheva itibaren Синмертін 407520, Румунія

Ekaterina Docheva Docheva itibaren Синмертін 407520, Румунія


Finally! After many recommendations and dares from friends who are huge fans, I have finished a Neil Gaiman book (and enjoyed it!). This award-winning young adult tale follows a young boy who escaped a killer as a toddler (when his family was murdered) inadvertently taking refuge in a cemetery, where he is protected and raised (!) by the dead, who adopt him. "Bod" Owens has freedom of the graveyard that is his home, so can communicate and see both the dead and the living. There is a gentle humor throughout the book and well as some thrills and frightening scenes (but the dead are never the scary ones). I liked the supernatural aspect of the story, plus the very imaginative friendships and adventures that take place in Bod's world.


So good! Loved this book! I loved the Greek/Roman Mythology feel of this one! And I love the message of the whole story!


Van has been through a lot of painful things in her life. Her dad was not part of the picture when she was growing up. She had her mom Natalie who sounds like a truly amazing Lorelai Gilmore kind of mother. She also had the friendship of her mom's employer Diane and Diane's daughter Janie. Even though Janie and Diane are incredibly wealthy compared to the Leones, they still formed strong bonds. Unfortunately these bonds were tested over time first with Janie falling in love with the same boy Van liked and then finally breaking after Natalie's death from cancer when Van was in college. Van has understandably not been able to get over these blows. She is expected to be front and center during the wedding so she has to hide her feelings. Her relationship with Peter is reminiscent of the movie My Best Friend's Wedding in many ways though Peter is not as upstanding as Dermott Mulroney's character, Michael. Van's relationship with Alex is much more electric and it is clear from the moment that she meets him that she will be able to get over Peter. There are obstacles to be overcome but it is obvious that the two are meant to be together. I enjoyed seeing their relationship develop and the many humorous encounters. Any relationship that starts because of a dog is bound to have a major cute factor. Joe is an adorable dog though he isn't as destructive as I pictured a German Shepherd puppy to be. Van also adapts to dog ownership pretty quickly. One of my favorite "Joe moments" in the book is when she goes to pick him up at the airport expecting a little puppy and her reaction to finding Joe waiting for her. Stay is a cute if predictable book that somehow manages to pull on the heartstrings anyway. What makes it work is the humor and the unexpected emotional depth. I liked the exploration of friendships and family dynamics. None of the characters are perfect and that gives the story a slightly realistic touch. This would make a great movie and is a good pick for when you are in the mood for a light, humorous book. I would suggest this to fans of Claire Cook. Readalikes: Must Love Dogs by Claire Cook, Seven Year Switch by Claire Cook, Hope in a Jar by Beth Harbison, In Her Shoes by Jennifer Weiner, The Sleeping Beauty Proposal by Sarah Strohmeyer, The Opposite of Me by Sarah Pekkanen


One of only two translations I would ever recommend. Actually, I would actively recommend BOTH - Seamus Heany does a very literal, modern rendition of the Old English, while Howard Chickering captures the complex, archaic poetry of the kennings. Anyone who loves Beowulf but sadly lacks the time to tackle to original should read both.


'Pamphlets Series' are terrible. Lots of good opinion, terribly organized.