
Juliia Christ Christ itibaren Sizzano itibaren Sizzano

Okuyucu Juliia Christ Christ itibaren Sizzano

Juliia Christ Christ itibaren Sizzano


Originally serialized in the New York Times, this short novel (novelette?) is good, quick read. Towards the end of her pregnancy, our detective, Tess Monaghan (a private detective by profession), is confined to bed rest. To pass the time, she watches the people in the park across the street through binoculars. Each evening for a week, she observes a girl with a green raincoat walking a similarly clad dog. One day the dog runs by, but the girl is nowhere to be seen. Fearing foul play, Tess enlists her friends to help unravel the mystery of the girl in the green raincoat's disappearance. Because the book was originally serialized, each chapter focuses on a different character; a friend, a police detective etc. I enjoyed the story, but wish we had been able to get to know more of the characters more fully.