
Billy Slattery Slattery itibaren Torrent Bay 7183, Yeni Zelanda itibaren Torrent Bay 7183, Yeni Zelanda

Okuyucu Billy Slattery Slattery itibaren Torrent Bay 7183, Yeni Zelanda

Billy Slattery Slattery itibaren Torrent Bay 7183, Yeni Zelanda


I kept getting ugly looks every time I re-checked Reamde from the library. "I am going to finish it, I swear". She would give me weird looks, pointing out I was reading a book with the awkward misspelling of Read Me. I normally would have stuck it out. I really like Neal Stephenson's novels, but lately I find that they just go on and on and on (like the Baroque Cycle). This one held a lot of promise for me, and I enjoyed the detail and background, the innovative ideas, and the multitudes of characters, but 500 pages into it, he just keeps throwing in new main characters, and rushing in to fill in their background, leaving the novel to weave and wander, building like a snow ball rolling aimlessly down a hill. While, I think if I had more time, and more staying power I would have finished the novel and likely given it a higher rating, maybe I just don't have the time to dedicate myself to long fictional books, like I use to, or maybe its that this book would have been stronger if it was not so long, and focused on a single idea or two to execute. I finally returned the book to the library, paid my late fees, and gave the library a shrug. I tried.