
Oihana Eroa Eroa itibaren Hinsdale County, CO, Birleşik Devletler itibaren Hinsdale County, CO, Birleşik Devletler

Okuyucu Oihana Eroa Eroa itibaren Hinsdale County, CO, Birleşik Devletler

Oihana Eroa Eroa itibaren Hinsdale County, CO, Birleşik Devletler


İçindeki eylemi seviyorum.


Yarısını oku, ben de hissetmiyordum. Hikaye "eylem" için eksik değildi, ama hiçbir şeye yönelik değildi. Karakterler bana çekici gelmedi. Artı - çoğu SciFi ve Fantezi aydınlatmasında olduğu gibi - oluşturulmuş dilin (örneğin, karakter ve yer adları) iyi ses çıkardığı gerçeğini geçemiyorum. Sonra tekrar, Yüzüklerin Efendisi hakkında böyle hissettim. Watoosa bu yorumu okuduğunda Silmarillion'un bir kopyasıyla beni yüz ve kafadan döver.


Çok bağımlılık yapıcı


I liked this book, but I also wanted to punch it in the face. It's a page turner for sure, but the answers to the questions come late, and the author likes to build up to major events with lots of short. clipped. sentences. Which I did rather enjoy, it was almost poetic sometimes. But it also felt a smidge repetitive....like he was just trying to draw things out and irritate the reader. Like a tease. Like a mean tease. Like a tease trying to bring you to the brink just to snatch back satisfaction at the last second. Dirty tease. And the ending was just....I dunno, a bit over the top. Like I was muttering to myself, Oh for pete's sake, can they just "ruddy" get to Haven already? It almost became comical, and even predictable, how many obstacles kept popping up, one after the other. Don't get me wrong. I liked it. There were parts where I had tears rolling down my face. It just irritated me. It ends on a cliff-hanger, no real resolution. I want to read the rest of the series, but I think I need to let my aggravation simmer down first.