
Caio Bellim Bellim itibaren Amarpur, West Bengal, Індія itibaren Amarpur, West Bengal, Індія

Okuyucu Caio Bellim Bellim itibaren Amarpur, West Bengal, Індія

Caio Bellim Bellim itibaren Amarpur, West Bengal, Індія


I've been a Deist for 44 years but was thoroughly disappointed in this booklet. The author, Bob Johnson, promotes a semi-atheistic version of Deism which is far removed from the authentic Deism of such major American Founding Fathers as Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Thomas Paine. However, the book is certain to appeal to Left-wingers and those with a contemptuous attitude toward people who pray. Johnson believes that prayers are a waste of time, that there probably is no afterlife and that all religions are nonsense - with the exception, of course, of his semi-atheistic form of Deism that he calls the 'religion of reason'. Johnson conveniently ignores the fact that the first man to use the term "Deism" to refer to rational religion, distinct from revealed religion, Lord Herbert of Cherbury (1583-1648), not only believed in a personal God, he also believed in an afterlife in which each person (soul) is dealt with according to his conduct here on earth. Indeed most of the 17th and 18th century Deists believed in a God with whom one could communicate through prayer. Even Thomas Paine wrote of his firm belief in an afterlife. Entirely ignored by Johnson is the irrefutable fact that while John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and Ben Franklin clearly did not believe in Christian theology, they most certainly did believe in a personal God and did practice prayer in their daily lives. They were Spiritual-Deists, not semi-atheists like Bob Johnson. Any free-thinking person with an interest in Deism would do well to read Thomas Paine's classic work, The Age of Reason, but this semi-atheistic screed by Bob Johnson is not worth the paper it's printed on. Don't waste your money.


This is in my collection. Devotional readings on the Psalms. Excellent! (365 of them) I think this is my second or third time through.