
Campus Design Studio Design Studio itibaren 370 45 Orranäs, İsveç itibaren 370 45 Orranäs, İsveç

Okuyucu Campus Design Studio Design Studio itibaren 370 45 Orranäs, İsveç

Campus Design Studio Design Studio itibaren 370 45 Orranäs, İsveç


The Giver is a Margaret A. Edwards award winner in 2007. I listened to this book on tape. I had read this years ago, but I couldn't remember it well enough to know for what age this would really be appropriate. The woman's voice is very clear and pleasant. This was very eery because this is how the whole community behaves(in a pleasant manner without emotion or stress). To create a world of order and fewer chaos, the community has given up all emotion, all color, all feeling, all memories of history except for one person in the community, the giver. At twelve, each person gets there assignment, or what they will do for the community for the rest of their lives. Birth mothers are to give three births and then do physical labor for the rest of their lives. Nurturers take care of the babies until they are assigned a family. Family units are assigned, not formed by emotional bonds. That would be to unpredictable and messy. Family units may then apply for a boy and a girl. At twelve, Jonas is assigned to be the one and only Giver. He must isolate himself from the community and learn all the memories and emotions from the only giver in the community. Jonas and the Giver decide to try to give back all the memories to the community. To do this Jonas must leave the community. Jonas takes a baby with him on the back of his bike. He does this because he knows the baby will get released(murdered)in the morning. As he escapes the community he give them back the memories and all the chaos that goes along with really being human. The book never really goes into what happens to Jonas after this, but it allows us to think he found a welcoming people who will help take care of the two boys. Jonas never really has a close relationship with his parents because they don't really experience much in the emotion department. Jonas develops a close relationship with the Giver. This closeness allows the two of them to make the decision to change the community forever. This is something the Giver felt he could not do himself because someone needed to be there to help the comunity deal with the chaos. Adults have created an oppressive life and it is up to Jonas to unravel this damage done by many generations of people behaving like robots. I'm glad I revisited this because I don't think this book should be read by those under the age of twelve.This book deserves a 5 for popularity and a 5 for quality.