Divan-ı İlahiyat - İstanbullu Bir Eren Senayi Hasan Şabani PDF'de kitap

Divan-ı İlahiyat - İstanbullu Bir Eren Senayi Hasan Şabani PDF tam sürüm kitap

Divan-ı İlahiyat - İstanbullu Bir Eren Senayi Hasan Şabani kitap PDF, Mobi tam sürüm

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  • boyutlar: Normal Boy
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  • Fiyat: 32,00 TL

Kitap eleştirileri

Divan-ı İlahiyat - İstanbullu Bir Eren Senayi Hasan Şabani


This was my first time reading an Aimee Leduc mystery by Cara Black. I enjoyed this one. Clearly, the biggest character is the setting - Paris. Black describes Paris in a clever, detailed way that makes you feel like you are there. If you've ever been to Paris before, her writing will certainly bring back memories of all those little street cafes. The other thing that kept me interested in this book was the fact that the mystery was tied to Haiti with a dabbling of Vodou thrown in. For whatever reasons, I think that both the country and that religion/spirituality are fascinating. I read another mystery a long while back involving New Orleans and Vodou, and I was seriously hooked. This book had a similar hold on me. The build of the mystery was good; it was fast-paced, yet there were a lot of "puzzle pieces" to keep track of and try to fit together. I felt like the way the detective solved the mystery was believable and natural. Sometimes I felt it got too bogged down in the details, but usually it quickly moved to another plot point. There were things I was not so crazy about in this mystery. Unfortunately, I didn't care much for the detective, Aimee Leduc. (Kind of a big deal in mysteries.) She wasn't unlikable, I just felt like I didn't get a good sense of who she was. I got a sense of the way she handled a mystery - usually by diving head first, a lot of improvisation - but who she was as a person and the details of her life was hard to grasp. One thing to keep in mind is that this book is #9 in the Aimee Leduc series. So logically, there've been a lot of details and story told up to this point, but I didn't feel the book did the best job of cluing new readers in (like me). Conversely, I liked that there wasn't a lot of exposition to Aimee's life, and what details there were filtered in naturally. It's just that this mystery was particularly jam-packed, so I feel other details fell to the wayside. I was, however, very interested in Aimee's partner, Rene, and wished he had more of a part to play in the story. The other big complaint was... I didn't like the mystery's resolve. Without giving anything away, it was terribly, terribly typical. However, I find this to be a common problem in mystery stories; the build-up is good, exciting and fascinating, and then the actual solution is a bit of a let-down. Only the greats can make the solution just as exciting as the journey. I probably will read another Cara Black mystery, if only for the setting alone.

2022-10-13 08:04

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