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Gençler İçin Ehl-İ Sünnet Akidesi kitap PDF, Mobi tam sürüm

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  • boyutlar: Normal Boy
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  • Fiyat: 8,64 TL

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Gençler İçin Ehl-İ Sünnet Akidesi


** spoiler alert ** Itachi Uchiha a mysterious prodigal son whose life is not one desired by all. Playing as a spy for both his clan village’s police force and their village Konoha’s government spying on his clan. Being a double agent, gaining his mangekyo sharingan through questionable methods, to get stronger and stronger. Teaming up a supposed long dead member from the past who was exiled in order to complete a mission given to him by the Leaf’s government top brass to kill his clan or to kill himself. Born in the Second Great Ninja World War Itachi had only witnessed death and destruction and only wanted peace. When this child prodigy became captain of the Leaf’s Anbu Black Ops (an assassination squad) he was given a top-secret mission. This mission entailed him to spy on his clan who were forming a coup on the Leaf village because they weren’t happy with their role in the village. Upon coming home his father asked him to spy on his Leaf village to find out their motives. Betraying his family he told the Leaf that his clan were planning a coup to take control of the village. So the Hokage (The fire shadow and leader of the Leaf village) and his council of advisors came to the decision that they needed to destroy the Uchiha clan in order to prevent another Ninja War. Itachi being raised during a time of war didn’t want to see another so he accepted it with remorse. The problem he faced though was that he was not strong enough to take them all out. So he needed to attain a stronger sharingan. Killing his best friend and girlfriend got him this new level of sharingan but he didn’t know how to use it, so he had to find someone who could teach him. After searching for a short period he found who he was looking for…. Uchiha Madara the first Uchiha to attain and master the mangekyo sharingan with his twin brother. Training rigorously with Madara he found out all that Madara was willing to teach him but he still needed help to take out his clan in the end and asked Madara. The night of the massacre Itachi and his exiled relative cut off the clans power making an blackout and struck swiftly and mercilessly splattering blood all over the remains of their family’s estate killing everyone except his little brother to survive as a favor for Itachi to the Hokage or he’ll release all his village’s secrets to the other nations. About six years later more or less after battling his younger brother Sasuke in the Uchiha’s secret hideout he gives him a gift to keep him protected from other ninja including Madara who wanted him dead or to use his clan’s special ability the sharingan (explained in one of my previous reviews on the other mangas I read) which was the Amaterasu a special jutsu that creates black flames to completely burn any who oppose you. He dies leaving his brother to be the only surviving Uchiha besides Madara Uchiha.

2022-10-04 16:30


I haven't reviewed anything in a while- one would think I'd have the energy or the willingness to give this book a thorough review- Especially considering the "epic" nature of the book. Prepare to be dissapointed. This was a tough book to get through. I think I'm just not a fan of Marquez's writing style... the story lacks momentum. It's about the birth and death of a town, centered around a particular family- the Buendias. I'm not one qualified to go into a discussion around literary devices but this book was chock full of them... the grandest of all being the "non-linear time tricks" that Marquez is constantly pulling (themes and storylines repeat themselves one generation after another). Also, I originally thought this was going to be a piece of realistic fiction... instead its more a set of collected myths and legends. The things that happen aren't quite at the fantasy storytelling level, but they're not believable either. A weird dynamic... All in all, dissapointing.

2022-10-01 11:27


This book was wonderful...but sad. If you're looking for something uplifting, keep looking.

2020-09-12 05:56

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