Le Petit Prince PDF'de kitap

Le Petit Prince PDF tam sürüm kitap

Le premier soir, je me suis donc endormi sur le sable à mille milles de toute terre habitée. J’étais bien plus isolé qu’un naufragé sur un radeau au milieu de l’océan. Alors, vous imaginez ma surprise, au lever du jour, quand une drôle de petite voix m’a réveillé. Elle disait: S’il vous plaît... dessine-moi un mouton! J’ai bien regardé. Et j’ai vu ce petit bonhomme tout à fait extraordinaire qui me considérait gravement..

Le Petit Prince kitap PDF, Mobi tam sürüm

  • Yazar:
  • Yayımcı: Karbon Kitaplar; 1. basım
  • Yayın tarihi:
  • kapak:
  • Dil: Türkçe
  • ISBN-10:
  • ISBN-13:
  • boyutlar: 22.5 x 1 x 20 cm
  • Ağırlık:
  • Ciltli:118 sayfa
  • Dizi:
  • sınıf:
  • Yaş:
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  • Fiyat:

Kitap eleştirileri

Le Petit Prince


I really enjoyed reading this book and learning more about the heart of this man who has written so many of the songs that I love listening to so much. It helped explain for me the reason why I just have not become tired of them; he really wants to please and worship Jesus Christ through them. My only fault in this book is that sometimes I found the recollections a little disjointed, but he was just trying to get so many thoughts down on paper. I look forward to hearing where God will be using Martin Smith next since he has an obvious desire to listen to God and to obey and please Him first.

2023-03-07 20:06

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