Yavru Penguen Nerede
Yavru Penguen Nerede? (Kapak değişebilir) kitap PDF, Mobi tam sürüm
Yavru Penguen Nerede? (Kapak değişebilir)
I really enjoyed this book, and will gladly pick up more by Hopkins. The only reason I didn't give it a total of 5 stars was that I wasn't entirely sure why she chose to write in poetry instead of prose. I like it...I think it allowed her characters to speak with more dramatic imagery than prose would allow...but still...I wanted more than just that. Additionally, I thought the characters started out with very defined poetic forms but that shifted. I'm not entirely sure the shift was intentional, which goes back to my questioning of why poetry? Surely there MUST be a reason, in which case the shift would have to be intentional as well. But if it isn't, then that means there is no reason for the overall poetic style. It would be interesting to re-read this with a group, and see if they also see what I do, as for the form shifts. There are not many YA books I could give such thought to. I think my ultimate criticisms voiced above are that of a much higher level that I would ordinarily be able to voice for some YA fiction. Overall, a good, quick read.
2022-10-26 03:20
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